Living life by 'intent' leads to a life of satifaction. Living life by 'default' leads to a life of disappointment.

Wisdom For The Wise Man
The human desire to be wise goes back as far as the garden of Eden. Satan used it as a nemesis to effect the fall of man. In her...
Who Decided To Change Things?
We live in a time when the divide between people, organizations, nations, politics, religions- as well as factions within each,...
My Mind Is Under Assault
Satan's most frequent and consistent attack is directed against our minds. Thoughts are powerful! The attack often starts very early in...
How Important Is The Word?
I believe that everything begins and ends with the Word. In the first chapter of John, it states that “In the beginning was the Word and...
The Redeeming Factor of Forgiveness
As I thought about the numerous blessings I’ve received this year, the one that has meant so much to me is the restoration of my...
He's Faithful To Me
As we entered the New Year, the Lord’s word to us was that this would be a year of “stretching & blessing!” I grabbed hold on the...