DCC Report Articles

A Love That Transforms
by Shalacka Reddick
As we take a look at Jesus' conversation with His disciples in John 15, we can take note of the importance of bearing Godly fruit. What is so amazing and beautiful to me is the fact that God will not force Himself in our lives. We have to make a decision to allow Him to live within us and trust in His works of changing our inner nature, by way of the Holy Spirit. How can we say we are followers of Christ and seek to walk as He did, if we don't exhibit characteristics that He has? In our walk with Christ, He prunes (cleanses) us of any and every thing that is not like Him.
Whether it is a thought, habit, or even, in some instances, a close friend/relative. If this part of us is not producing fruits of the Spirit such as patience, self-control, or joy, God cuts that off. Now, the decision to let go may be uncomfortable because we tend to trust our own understanding and ourselves, but He fills that void with fresh life, better than it was before.
Look at this in relation to a fruit tree. A fruit tree is pruned to remove dead/damaged parts to grow fuller and faster, and shaped into a perfect design. God does the same with us as His children. He removes every part of our lives that is not producing characteristics that resemble Him, as long as we allow Him to. We are in this world to produce not just any fruit, but His fruit, which will not spoil but last forever.
God transforms us from the inside out. God is love, right? Therefore, love-Agape Love, transforms us from the inside out.

Love Like Jesus Did
by Sharonda Faison
I Corinthians 13 is one of the most popular scriptures of all time, as it embodies one of the most beautiful and familiar principles in the Bible. It paints the perfect picture of Christ’s love toward us. Hasn’t He been patient, kind, and faithful to us? Hasn’t He caused us to rejoice in the truth? Further, in His great love for us, He did not puff himself up, be He made himself lower than the angels, was pierced for our sins, crushed for our iniquities, and even suffered death on our behalf! What a love!
The truth is this: God is Love! So much so that He declared that EVERYTHING hangs on the two commandments that epitomize who He is. If this area is so important to our Father, shouldn’t it be just as important to us? When we love like Jesus, haughtiness and pride should not be found in us, instead patience and kindness. We should forgive quickly, and keep no record of wrong. And even when we don’t understand everything, we should lean on the gifts of faith and hope to add to our love.
We should never give up, never lose faith, be hopeful always and endure through every circumstance. And this, my friends, is how we love the way Jesus did.

Love God, Love People
by Janice Isaac
Love is not simply a trademark of God; it is the very essence of who He is. God does not only love, He is fundamentally love.
So, if God is love and we, his children, are born of God, then we must also love. God loves us, so we must love one another. A true follower of Christ, one saved and filled with God's love, must live in love towards Him and others.
The true test of Christianity is love. We believe God's character is rooted in love. We receive His love in our relationship with Him. We experience His love in our relationships with others. Want to get a glimpse of this love? Read 1 Corinthians chapter 13, and then read of Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf upon the cross, and then you will know what love is and the standard we’re striving towards.